• 210-7252583
  • info@eees.gr
  • Ιπποκράτους 134, Αθήνα
  • Τρίτη: 16.00 – 20.00΄ Παρασκευή: 10.00΄- 14.00΄
  • English






1. ALBE 70 Your Perfect Right: A Guide to
Assertive Behavior
Alberti E. R., Emmons L. M.Impact,
California: 1970
2. ALBE 82 Applied Behavior Analysis for teachers: Influencing
Student Performance
Alberto A. P., Troutman C. A. Bell & Howell Company,
Ohio: 1982
3. ALLE 49 Dictionary of Abbreviations Allen F.E. Cassell and Company,
London; 1949
4. ALEX 80 Development Psychology Alexander T., Roodin P., Gorman B. D. Van Nostrand Company,
New York: 1980
5. AMER 90 Mini DSM- III- R American Psychiatric Association Masson
6. ANAG 07 Special Issues in Health Psychology: A Greek Perspective Anagnostopoulos F.& Karademas Ev. Livani
7. ANNO 76 Behavioral Treatment of sexual problems Annon Jack S. Medical  Department Harper &Row
8. ATKI 93 Introduction to Psychology Atkinson Rita L., Atkinson Richard C., Smith Edward E.,
Bem Daryl J.
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich International Edition
9. ATTW 07 The Complete Guide to Asperger’s Syndrome Attwood Tony Jessica Kingsley Publishers
10. AYER  62 The Problem of Knowledge Ayer A.J. Penguin



AYEL 66 Planning for Effective Science Teaching Aylesworth G. T. American Education Publications,
Ohio: 1966
12. AXLI 69 Play Therapy Axline M. V. Ballantine Books,
New York: 1969
13. BAN 71 Experimental approaches to psychiatric diagnosis Ban Thomas A., Lehmann Heinz E. American Lecture Series
14. BANC 83 Human sexuality and its problems Bancroft John Churchill Livingstone
15. BARL 88 Psychological Treatment of panic Barlow David H., Cerny Jerome A. The Guilford
16. BEAR 72 Piaget’s Development Psychology Beard M.R. New American Library,
New York: 1972
17. BEEC 74 Obsessional States Beech H.R. Methuen & Co LTD
18. BELL
Social Skills Training for Schizophrenia Bellack A., Mueser K., Gingerich S., Agresta J. The Guilford
19. BERI 65 Neural Mechanisms of Higher Vertebrate Behavior Beritoff J.S. Little, Brown -Churchill Ltd.
20. BIJO 61 Child Development: A Systematic and Empirical Theory Bijou W. S., Baer M.D. Appleton-Century-Crofts,
New York: 1961
21. BIJO 76 Child Development: The Basic Stage of Early Childhood Bijou W. S. Prentice-Hall, New Jersey:
22. B.M.A. 68 British National Formulary

The British Medical Association

The Pharmaceutical Society of
Great Britain

The British Medical Association

The Pharmaceutical Society of
Great Britain

23. BOOT 83a Psychology Today (Study Guide) Bootzin R., Loftus E., Zajonc R. Random House,
New York: 1983
24. BOOT 83b Psychology Today: An introduction Bootzin R., Loftus E., Zajonc R. Random House,
New York: 1983
25. BOOT 83c Psychology Today: An introduction (Test Item File) Bootzin R., Loftus E., Zajonc R. Random House,
New York: 1983
26. BOUL 77 The Treatment of Phobic And Obsessive Compulsive
Boulougouris J.C, Rabavilas A.D. Pergamon
27. BOUL 82 Learning Theory Approaches to Psychiatry Boulougouris J.C. Wiley
28. BREC 72 The Sex Researchers Brecher M. E. Panther, London:
29. BRIG 76 Behavior Analysis in Education: Self-Control and
Brigham A. T., Hawkins R., Scott W. J., McLaughlin F. T. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company,
USA: 1976
30. BROW 79 Memory Matters Brown E.M. Sphere books,
London: 19 79
31. BURN 81 Not on your own Burningham Penguin
32. CARL 84 Discovering Psychology: A Study Guide for Psychology: The
Science of Behavior
Carlson N., Carlson E., Burns R., McKivigan M. Allyn &
Bacon, Massachusetts:
33. CART 97 The Integrative Neurobiology of Affiliation Carter C.S., Lederhendler I.I., Kirkpatrick B. The New
Academy of Sciences
34. CHRO 95 Stress: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications Chrousos G.P et al. The New
Academy of Sciences
35. CHUS 64 Correlative Neuroanatomy and Functional Neurology Chusid J.G., McDonald J.J. Lange Medical Publications
36. CIBA 79 Sex, Hormones and Behavour Ciba Foundation Symposium 62 Excerpta Medica
37. CLAR 85 Agoraphobia: A Clinical & Personal Account Clarke J.C., Wardman W. Pergamon
 38. COOK 65 A Guide to Educational Research Cook R. D. Allyn and Bacon,
USA; 1965
39. CRON 77 Educational Psychology Cronbach J. L.. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
New York: 1977
40. CLAR 72 Implementing Behavioral Programs for Schools and Clinics Clark W. F., Evans R. D., Hamerlynck A. L. Research Press Company,
Illinois: 1972
41. CURR 65 Psychological Medicine Curran and Patridge Livingstone LTD.
42. DANI 62 Haloperidol in the Treatment of 120 Psychotic Patients Danik J.J., Goverdhan M. Αυτοέκδοση
43. DAVI 73 Sexual Responsibility in Marriage Davis M. Collins, London:
44. DENN 96 Kinds of Minds Dennett D.C. Weidenfeld & Nicolson
45. DINK 68 Guidance and Counselling in the Elementary School:
Readings in Theory and Practice
Dinkmeyer C.D. Holt, Rinehart and
USA: 1968
46. DONA 78 Children’s Minds Donaldson M. Fontana/Collins,
Great Britain: 1978
47. DORN  76 Chronic Cannabis Use Dornbush R.L. The New
Academy Of Sciences
48. DREV 63 A Dictionary of Psychology Drever James Penguin
49. DYER 77 Your Erroneous Zones Dyer W.W. Sphere Books Limited,
London: 1977
50. ELLI 86 Secrets of Strangers Ellis A.T, Aikens T.P Duckworth
51. ERON 69 The Relation of Theory to Practice in Psychotherapy Eron L.D., Csllahan R. Aldine Publishing Company
52. EYSE 55 Uses and Abuses of Psychology Eysenck J.H. Penguin Books,
USA: 1955
53. EYSE 62 Know your own I.Q. Eysenck J.H. Penguin Books,
USA: 1962
54. EYSE 65 Fact and Fiction in Psychology Eysenck J.H. Penguin Books,
USA: 1965
55. EYSE 78 Sex and Personality Eysenck J.H. Abacus, London:
56. FARG 70 Behavior Modification in the Classroom Fargo A. G., Behrns C., Nolen P. Wadsworth Publishing Company,
California: 1970
57. FEUE 79 Mastering Pain Feuerstein M., Skjel E. Bantam Books, USA
& Canada:
58. FORL 80 Medical Sexology Forleo R., Pasini W. PSG
59. FREE 77 Forum Adviser: the Answers to every Question you had ever
had about Sex
Freedman Z.A Penthouse Publication,
USA: 1977
60. FREUD 59 An Outline of Psycho-Analysis Freud Sigmund The Horgath Press
61. FREUD 62 The Ego and the Id Freud Sigmund The Horgath Press
62. FURL 96 Flight of the Kingfisher Furlong M. Harper Collins Publishers
63. GARB 66 Mental health Garber S. Blue Print for Health, 1966
64. GARR 67 Statistics in psychology and education Garrett H.E. Longmans
65. GLYN 99 An Anatomy of Thought Glynn Ian Weidenfeld&Nicolson
66. GOLD 87 Psychiatry in Medical Practice Goldberg D., Benjamin S., Creed F. Tavistock
67. GOLD 63 The Experience of Anxiety: A casebook Goldstein J. M., Palmer O. J. Oxford University
Press, New York:
68. GOOD 56 The Pharmalogical Basis of Therapeutics Goodman L.S., Gilman A. The Macmillan Company
69. GRAF 95 Structure and Functions of the Human Prefrontal Cortex Grafman J., Holyoak K.J., Boller F. The New
Academy of Sciences
70. GRAY 71 The Psychology of Fear and Stress Gray Jeffrey World University
71. GRUB 65 Scholastic Aptitude Tests Gruber E.C. Arco Publishing Company,
USA: 1965
72. HADF 62 Childhood and Adolescence Hadfield A.J. Penguin Books,
USA: 1962
73. HAME 71 Behavior Modification for Exceptional Children and Youth Hamerlynck L.A, Clark F.W. John McAra,
74. HARR 98 The Nurture Assumption Harris J.R. Bloomsbury
75. HEAT 77 Left behind: A study of Mental Handicap Heaton-Ward A.W. MacDonald and
Great Britain:
76. HEBB 66 A textbook of Psychology Hebb D.O. Saunders
77. HERS 75 Progress in Behavior Modification Hersen M., Eisler R.M., Miller P.M. Academic Press
78. HOLL 61 The Analysis of Behavior Holland G. J., Skinner F. B. McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York: 1961



Treatment of Anxiety Disorders with Clomipramine Holmberg G. Ciba-Geigy
80. HOMM 70 How to use Contingency Contracting in the Classroom Homme L., Csanyi P.A., Gonzales M. A., Rechs R. J. Research Press,
Illinois: 1970
81. HOST 59 The Child’s World Hostler P. Penguin Books,
Great Britain: 1959
82. KALI 69 The Dependencies of old People Kalish A. R. Knoll Pharmaceutical Company,
New Jersey: 1969
83. JOHN 62 Teach your Pupils how to study Johnson M. E. American Education Publications,
Ohio: 1962
84. KAPL 79 Disorders of Sexual Desire Kaplan H.S. Brunner/Mazel,
85. KEEL 65 Samson Wright’s Applied Psychology Keele
C.A., Neil E.
Oxford Medical Publications
86. KIEL
Masked Depression Kielholz Hans Huber Publishers
87. KIEL  82 Masked Depression: A Didactic concept for the diagnosis
and treatment of somatized depressions
Kielholz P., Poldinger W., Adams C. Deutsche Artzte-Verlag, German: 1982
88. KOLO 79 Textbook of Sexual Medicine Kolodny R.C., Masters W.H., Johnson V.E. Little, Brown and Company
89. KRAT 64 Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: the Classification of
Educational Goals
Krathwohl R. D., Bloom S. B., Masia B. B. David McKay Company,
New York: 1964
90. LADE 69 Studies of anxiety Lader M.H. Headley Brothers Ltd
91. LADE 69 Studies of Anxiety Lader M.H. World Psychiatric Association
92. LAID 88 A Textbook of Epilepsy Laidlaw J., Richerns A., Oxley J. Chirchill Livingstone
93. LAMB 82 Development in Infancy: An introduction Lamb E. M.,
J. J.
Random House,
New York: 1982
94. LANE 68 A Laboratory Manual for the Control and Analysis of
Lane H., Bem D. Brooks/Cole Publishing
California: 1968
95. LAUR 66 Clinical Pharmacology Laurence D.R. Churchill
96. LEDO 98 The Emotional Brain LeDoux Joseph Weidenfeld&Nicolson
97. LEIB 88 Sexual Desire Disorders Leiblum S., Rosen R.C. The Guilford
98. LEVE 80 Study Guide for Childhood: The Study of Development Leve R. Random House,
New York: 1980
99. LOGA 91 The Three Dimensions of Stuttering Logan R. Pro-Ed,
USA: 1991
100. LOPI 78 Handbook of Sex Therapy Lo Piccolo J., Lo Piccolo L. Plenum Press
101. LUTH 69 Autogenic Therapy Luthe W. Grune&Stratton
102. MAGR 78

Psychological Management of Pediatric Problems

(Volume II)

Magrab P. University Park Press, Baltimore:
103. MAHL 69 Group Counseling in the Schools Mahler A. C. Houghton Mifflin Company,
Boston: 1969
104. MARK 87 Fears, Phobias and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety and their
Marks I.M. Oxford University
105. MASL 97 The Truth About Burnout Maslach C., Leiter M.P. Jossey-Bass Puplishers
106. McGI 99 Advancing from the Ventral Striatum to the Extended
McGinty J.F. The New
Academy of Sciences
107. MEDN 75 Explorations in Behavior and Experience Mednick A. S., Higgins J., Kirschenbaum J. John Wiley & Sons,
Canada: 1975
108. MELV 79 Phobias and Obsessions Melville J. Unwin Paperbacks,
Boston: 79
109. MIKU 73 Readings in Behavior Modification Mikulas W. Mss Information Corporation,
New York: 1973
110. MIKU  78 Behavior Modification Mikulas W. Harper and Row Publishers,
New York: 1978
111. MONE 78a Handbok of Sexology: History and Ideology Money J. & Musaph H. Elsevier
112. MONE 78b Handbok of Sexology: Genetics, Hormones and Behavior Money J. & Musaph H. Elsevier
113. MONE 78c Handbok of Sexology: Selected Personal and Social Issues Money J. & Musaph H. Elsevier
114. MORG 75 Introduction to Psychology Morgan C. & King R. McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York: 1975
115. MOWB 67 Psychology in Relation to Medicine Mowbray R.M., Rodger T.F. Livingstone
116. MUNJ 80 Sexual Medicine and Counseling in Office Practice Munjack D., Oziel J. Little, Brown and Company
117. MUSS 63 The Psychological Development of the Child Mussen H. P. Prentice Hall Foundations,
New Jersey: 1963
118. O’NEIL 06 Managing Anger O’ Neil Helen Whurr Publishers
119. PAOL 78 Marriage & Marital Therapy Paolino T.J., McCrady B.S. Brunner/Mazel
120. PARK 91 Attachment Across The Life Cyrcle Parkes C.M., Stevenson-Hinde Joan, Marris P. Routledge
121. PARK 94 Self-awareness in Animals and Humans: Developmental
Parker S.T., Mitchell R.W., Boccia M.L. Cambridge
University Press
122. PERS  89 Cognitive Therapy in Practice: A Case Formulation
Persons J.B.  Norton&Company
123. PINE 84 Experiencing Social Psychology:
Readings and Projects
Pines A., Maslach C. Alfred A. Knopf,
New York: 1984
124. PITT 89 Loss of the Good Authority: The cause of Delinquency Pitt-Aikens T., Ellis A.T. Penguin
125. PRIB 69 Brain and Behaviour 4 Adaptation Pribram K. H. Penguin Books,
USA: 1969
126. PROU 94 Theoretical Evolutions in Person-Centered/Experiential
Prouty G. Praeger
127. RABY 81 Intelligence: The
for the Mind
Raby S. Pan Books,
London: 1981
128. RACH 80 Obsessions and Compulsions Rachman S.J., Hodgson R.J. Prentice-Hall
129. RACH 88 Panic: Psychological Perspectives Rachman S., Maser J.D. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
130. RADO 56 Psychoanalysis of Behavior Rado Sandor Grune&Stratton
131. RADO 62 Psychoanalysis of Behavior, volume two Rado Sandor Grune&Stratton
132. ROCH 67 Ive Congres Mondial de Psychiatrie Roche Excepta Medica Foundation
133. ROGO 70 The Psychiatrists Rogow A.A. George Allen&Unwin
134. RUBI 84 Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Controversial
Psychological Issues
Rubinstein J., Slife D. B. Dushkin Publishing Group,
USA: 1984
135. RUTT 76 Helping Troubled Children Rutter M. Cox and Wyman Ltd,
136. RUTT 81 Maternal Deprivation Reassessed Rutter M. Penguin Books,
137. SHER 74 Personalized System of Instruction: 41 Germinal Papers Sherman G. W.A. Benjamin, Inc,
Philippines: 1974
138. SCHO 56 The Psychology and reading of Teaching Schonell J.F. Oliver and Boyd,
London: 56
139. SILV 93 Obsessive Compulsive Disorders: The Facts De Silva Padmal, Rachman Stanley Oxford
140. SMIT 66 Child Management: A Program for Parents and Teachers Smith M.J., Smith E.P.D. Ann Arbor Publishers,  1966
141. SLAT 69 Clinical Psychiatry Slater E., Roth M. Bailliere, Tindall and Cassell
142. SOKO 63 Percrption and the Conditioned Reflex Sokolov Ye.N. Pergamon Press
143. SPIE 77 Stress and Anxiety vol.4 Spielberger C.D. Halsted Press
144. STEF 77 Hashish: Studies of Long-term Use Stefanis C., Dornbush R., Fink M. Raven Press
145. STOF 97 The Neurobiology of Suicide Stoff D.M., Mann J.J. The New
Academy of Studies
146. STUA 77 Behavioral Self-Management: Strategies, Techniques and
Stuart R.B. Brunnel/Mazel
147. SUEH 64 What to tell your Children about Sex Suehsdorf A. Permabook Edition,
New York: 1964
148. SZAS 64 The Myth of Mental Illness: Foundation of a Theory of
Personal Conduct
Szasz T. Hoeber Medical Division Harper & Row,
New York: 1964
149. TATT 89 Disruptive Pupil Management Tattum P. D. David Fulton Publishers,
Great Britain: 1989
150. TEAS 93 Affect Cognition and Change Teasdale J.D., Barnard P.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
151. THOM 75 Applications of Behavior Modification Thompson T., Dockens W.S. Academic Press
152. TRET 65 Proceeding of a psychiatric Symposium on Haloperidol Trethowan W.H. (ed.) Clinical Trials Journal
153. ULRI 70

Control of Human Behavior: From Cure to Prevention

(Volume II)

Ulrich R., Stachnik T., Mabry J. Scott, Foresman & Company,
Illinois: 1970
154. ULRI 74 Control of Human Behavior: Behavior Modification in

(Volume III)

Ulrich R., Stachnik T., Mabry J. Scott, Foresman & Company,
Illinois: 1974
155. VAUC 96 Animal Cognition Vauclair J. Harvard University
156. WAAL
Good Natured: The origins of right and wrong in humans
and other animals
Frans de Waal Harvard University
157. WALT 72 Punishment Walters H. R., Cheyne J. A, Banks K. R. Penguin Books,
158. WARR 70 Thought and Personality Warr B.P. Penguin Books,
159. WARR 71 Psychology at Work Warr B.P. Penguin Books,
160. WECH 58 A Textbook of Clinical Neurology Wechsler I.S. W.B. Saunders Company
161. WHO 80 Peripheral Neuropathies World Health Organization World Health Organization
162. WILL 69 Drug Dependence Willis J.H. Faber and Faber,
Great Britain:1969
163. WINK 73 Tegretol in Epilepsy Wink C.A.S. Nicholls&Company Ltd.
164. WOLB 82 The Practice of Psychotherapy: 506 Questions & Answers Wolberg L.R. Brunnel/Mazel
165. WOLP 66 Behavior Therapy Techniques Wolpe J., Lazarus A. Pergamon
166. WOLP 70 The Practice of Behavior therapy Wolpe J. Pergamon, USA:
167. WOLP 76 Theme and Variations: A behavior Therapy Casebook Wolpe J. Pergamon, USA:
168. W.P.A. 77 Report of the Secretary General World Psychiatric Association World Psychiatric Association
169. WRAN 96 Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence Wrangham R., Peterson D. Bloomsbury
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